Where to Find Birds

In the springtime especially, many birds migrate from the south and look for a new place to call home and create a nest. They look for places that provide ample shelter from the elements of weather and usually a higher location to protect their young. This “home” can often mean bird damage to your soffit, attic, deck, garage, shed, chimney and other places that are easy to get into and cause bird problems. Some birds nest together, causing greater bird damage and often requiring bird trapping to resolve the issue.

How to Identify Bird Problems

It’s usually easy to identify bird problems because birds are not small and often make a lot of noise. If you notice anything unusual, such as in increase of birds flying around the house, bird droppings on vehicles or outside of the house, debris collecting on ledges, then you have a bird problem and need bird control.

Why You Find Birds in the Attic, Birds in the Garage, Birds in the House, Birds in the Soffit, Birds in the Yard

When birds go south for the winter or return they immediately focus on finding shelter. Some birds will often build a nest together, while some birds will build individual bird nests. Attics, garages, houses, soffit, sheds, chimneys and other areas on a property in the area provide ample protection. If left untreated, bird damage in the area can become extensive and very costly to repair so it may be best to contact a Wildlife Management Services bird trapping specialist.

What Damage and Hazards are Caused from Birds

bird in dryer vent

Bird damage in the area can cause a huge headache and birds themselves can create a hazardous environment. It is not uncommon for birds in the area to tear into soffit, nest in grills, create a debris mess in unwanted areas and leave bird droppings on decks, porches and other areas they are residing. Bird droppings can contribute to the following diseases: Histoplasmosis, Cryptococcus, Toxoplamosis, Pigeon Ornithosis, Encephalitis, Salmonellas, Chlamydiosis, Coccidiosis, Eryspeliod, Newcastle’s, Parathypoid, Pullorum, Transmissable Gastroenteritis, Tuberculosis, Vibrosis, Yersinosis, Acariasis, Schistosomiasis, Taeniasis and Trichomoniasis.

Besides playing a role in the aforementioned diseases, birds also carry ectoparasites, such as fleas, lice, mites and ticks.

Birds in the area will also look for local food sources, which includes animal feeders, flowers, buds, fruits and vegetables. If bird control is not put in place, bird droppings can contaminate food supplies, including vegetable gardens and livestock feed around the area.

Birds nesting in an attic, garage or shed can become a fire hazard because of the type of material they gather for their bird nests. This debris is highly flammable and can become a greater danger when the fire risk is higher during drier months of the year around the area.

How to Get Rid of Birds

A bird removal and bird trapping professional will know the best method of how to get rid of birds for your situation. Even if you manage to prevent bird problems in one location of your house or property, they will most likely take up residence in another area, causing more bird problems, bird damage and more reasons to consult an expert on bird control. Your Wildlife Management Services specialist will often use bird trapping techniques to relocate birds. Bird trapping requires specific equipment and can be dangerous for someone who is not trained in bird trapping. Nearly all bird species are afforded federal protection against trapping, shooting or poisoning. Check with your local Wildlife Management Services office for a list of protected species in your area.

What Kind of Birds are in the House

There are many different types of birds that take up residence around the area, and this varies by location. Common birds include pigeons, sparrows and starlings. Bird control is key to preventing future bird problems and bird damage. Consult with your local Wildlife Management Services office for advice and services to get rid of birds.

How to Prevent a Birds Problem

Preventing bird problems is key to control bird damage and larger bird problems in the area. Many homeowners shoot at birds, but this can cause greater damage to your house and it does not eliminate bird problems. In the fall and spring it is important to seal any holes and entryways that may allow birds to enter. A small crack or hole can easily become larger when you have a bird problem. Bird damage can escalate and become a huge nuisance. Trying methods of bird trapping can be dangerous if you do not have the proper equipment, so contact your local Wildlife Management Services bird removal specialist today!

We can help you get rid of bird problems.  Call today: 1.800.274.8837.

Wildlife Management of Minneapolis Service Area

Minneapolis, St. Paul, Maple Grove, Champlin, Brooklyn Park, Coon Rapids, Apple Valley, Eagan, St. Louis Park, Stillwater, Woodbury, Mound, Eden Prairie, Edina, Minnetonka, White Bear Lake, Plymouth, Wayzata, Burnsville, and Their Surrounding Areas

This franchise is independently licensed and operated by Wildlife Management Services,  Inc