Skunks are attracted to areas with accessible food sources and shelter. By eliminating these attractants and implementing certain deterrents, you can reduce the likelihood of them entering your yard.
Lawns, especially newly created ones, are immensely attractive to skunks, as they tend to be heavily watered and loaded with worms and grubs. Skunks dig small holes where grubs are located, which can make your lawn ugly quite quickly.
Where Do Skunks Live?
In Minneapolis, we have received more skunk complaints north of town. It seems places like Coon Rapids, Andover, Anoka, Champlin, Rogers, Corcoran, and Blaine have encounter more skunk problems then their neighbors south of them.
Mostly active at night, skunks typically use burrows abandoned by other animals to build dens but will also use hollow logs, brush or rock piles, rock crevices, woodpiles and culverts to avoid detection.
Skunks are burrowing animals that, despite being timid, adapt surprisingly well to living among humans in urban areas. Den sites in residential areas usually are under decks, porches, and sheds. Burrows can be as deep as a foot down. We have found skunks living in crawl spaces too.
How Do You Know a Skunk is in the Yard?
You can typically tell when a skunk is in your yard by their pungent/distinct odor. If you see signs of digging or upturned soil in your yard, it may be the result of skunk foraging.
Signs of Skunks Living in Your Yard
Skunk Holes
There are two types of skunk holes. Skunks will dig shallow holes in your yard looking for insects to eat. They will also dig bigger holes to create dens.
Skunks are also known to leave small, shallow, and perfectly circular holes in the ground in order to locate and feed on insects. Look for these holes around your house’s porch and in your yard.
Skunk Tracks
Skunks can also leave tracks, showing five toes and long claw marks. They are often thought to look like miniature bear tracks.
Skunk Sounds
You also might be able to hear skunk sounds under your house. These can include squeals, hisses, whimpers, or grumping sounds.
When are skunks a problem in the yard?
Skunk problems are typically at their peak during three times of the year:
- Mating season (mid-February through mid-March)
- Birthing seasons (May–June)
- Winter foraging (approximately October–November)
Skunk Mating Season
Mating season involves skunks seeking mates — and this often occurs near homes. Homeowners report skunk tracks in the snow or smell skunk spray. Skunks secrete spray when they are mating and males often spray when they're fighting and feel threatened.
Birthing Season
The season of skunks' birth is a precarious one for removal — we can either relocate the entire family, including mother and babies, or we can seal off the areas that skunks are inhabiting and install a one-way valve that allows the family to exit but not re-enter. This can only be done when young are able to walk (3+ weeks).
The very last thing we want is to separate a mother from her kits. When we trap skunks, we always inspect the gender of the animal to ensure we aren't accidentally relocating a mother who may get separated from her young on your property Many wildlife companies may not attempt the extra care of not separating mothers from their babies, but Wildlife Management Services of New Hampshire considers it a necessary step.
Skunk Winter Foraging
When skunks forage in lawns, it can often look like someone ran a rototiller across your yard. In some parts of the country, fall brings rain, which saturates the soil and brings earthworms to the surface. This provides easy access to a food source for skunks.
How to Keep Skunks Out of the Yard
Skunks are attracted to the worms and grubs in your lawn and garden. Lay down 1-inch mesh chicken wire, securing it with stakes or heavy stones.
It’s also important for homeowners to prevent access to denning sites, as skunks will readily den under houses, sheds, or porches if given the chance. Close off these areas with ¼-inch hardware cloth, boards, or metal flashing. Make all connections flush and secure, and you’ll keep out smaller animals like mice and rats, too. Homeowners should avoid attempting skunk control themselves and should instead call a professional due to the risk of rabies and diseases transmitted through skunk bites, as well as potential property damage from their foraging and sharp claws.
Wildlife Management of Minneapolis Service Area
Minneapolis, St. Paul, Maple Grove, Champlin, Brooklyn Park, Coon Rapids, Apple Valley, Eagan, St. Louis Park, Stillwater, Woodbury, Mound, Eden Prairie, Edina, Minnetonka, White Bear Lake, Plymouth, Wayzata, Burnsville, and Their Surrounding Areas
This franchise is independently licensed and operated by Wildlife Management Services, Inc