Cicada KillersCicada Killers

The cicada killer wasp is a large wasp 1-11/2 inches long. They make a hole in the ground where their eggs are laid. The developing larvae feeds off of cicadas supplied by the female. 

Cicada killers are not aggressive but can sting. Their size usually scares people. Their activity is most visible in the spring of the year after the larvae develop and emerge from the nest and can be found in gardens feeding on pollen. 

Mud DaubersMud Daubers

A couple identifying features of these insects: They are brightly colored with dark wings, many have this “thread like” “waists” When the land they often “flick” their wings as they move around.

Mud daubers are solitary wasps making a variety of different type nests. Organ pipe nest pictured here. They use mud to make nests and supply food usually spiders to the developing larvae. The wasps emerge and do not return to the nests.


A couple identifying features of these insects: They are brightly colored with dark wings, many have this “thread like” “waists” When the land they often “flick” their wings as they move around.


Mud daubers are solitary wasps making a variety of different type nests. Organ pipe nest pictured here. They use mud to make nests and supply food usually spiders to the developing larvae. The wasps emerge and do not return to the nests.

Nests can be in conspicuous areas around door under deck, porches, around windows. The wasp does sting but is not aggressive. A couple identifying features of these insects: They are brightly colored with dark wings, many have this “thread like” “waists” When the land they often “flick” their wings as they move around.


Getting rid of mud daubers can be tricky since they tend to build their nests in unique places. Our green mud dauber control experts will assess the mud dauber problem and any mud dauber damage prior to using environmentally friendly pest control methods. They will then work with you to establish an effective and long-lasting mud dauber control plan, providing you with peace of mind when it comes to these potential unwelcome mud dauber infestations. And because Eco-Wise™ Pest Control’s methods for mud dauber control are environmentally friendly and organic, there is no concern for your family and pets.

Wasps: Paper Wasps

Paper Wasps

There are several species of paper wasps. They generally range from ¼ inch to ½ inch in size. They may be of various colors and sizes. Their nest can be an identification feature as it usually hangs upside down with the brood cells exposed. Their nests are generally small with fewer than 100 wasps. They are not usually aggressive unless they are disturbed. 

Wasp infestations can make nests in openings and on exterior furniture and light fixtures, under deck railings, under the eaves of structures. The queens can over winter inside structures in the attic area and may become active during warm days in winter, commonly flying to windows. Wasp problems are attracted to lights but generally are not active at night.


There are several species of paper wasps. They generally range from ¼ inch to ½ inch in size. They may be of various colors and sizes. Their nest can be an identification feature as it usually hangs upside down with the brood cells exposed. Their nests are generally small with fewer than 100 wasps. They are not usually aggressive unless they are disturbed. 


Wasp infestations can make nests in openings and on exterior furniture and light fixtures, under deck railings, under the eaves of structures. The queens can over winter inside structures in the attic area and may become active during warm days in winter, commonly flying to windows. Wasp problems are attracted to lights but generally are not active at night.


  • Where have you seen them?
  • Have you had this problem before? When?
  • Is there access to your attic?
  • Are you or family members allergic to stings?


  • Check for old nests around structure
  • Check for dead wasps in structure try to identify species
  • Check window sills and spider webs


Getting rid of wasps can be tricky since they tend to build their nests in unique places. Our green wasp control experts will assess the wasp problem and any wasp bee damage prior to using environmentally friendly pest control methods. They will then work with you to establish an effective and long-lasting wasp control plan, providing you with peace of mind when it comes to these potential unwelcome wasp infestations. And because Eco-Wise™ Pest Control’s methods for wasp control are environmentally friendly and organic, there is no concern for your family and pets.

Wildlife Management of Minneapolis Service Area

Minneapolis, St. Paul, Maple Grove, Champlin, Brooklyn Park, Coon Rapids, Apple Valley, Eagan, St. Louis Park, Stillwater, Woodbury, Mound, Eden Prairie, Edina, Minnetonka, White Bear Lake, Plymouth, Wayzata, Burnsville, and Their Surrounding Areas

This franchise is independently licensed and operated by Wildlife Management Services,  Inc